It is really important that we promote competitive support in schools. It is very important that we recognise that has to be underpinned by good quality physical education and by getting people into patterns of exercise. Sebastian Coe
“I really think a champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall.”
– Serena Williams
Brockwell’s achievements in sport are recognised locally in the Active Chesterfield Awards and Derbyshire Awards This is due to the high percentage of children engaging in tournaments, festivals and clubs and the quality and range of physical activity in lesson time. With sports for all including Boccia & New Age Kurling, all children can get involved and develop active, healthy habits. We aim to give EVERY child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in P.E., Sport and Life.
We use Complete PE. Complete P.E. is an interactive, progressive, Physical Education resource designed to support the implementation of a High Quality Physical Education Curriculum.
We have strong links with the School Sports Partnership, Chesterfield Football Club and local clubs such as the CLTA, Chesterfield Hockey, Athletics and Golf.
Active Playtimes include daily options of track, trim trail, dodgeball, basketball, football, multi-sports and skipping.
P.E. is a vital part of the school’s curriculum to which all our children are entitled. In the school’s curriculum, games, athletics, gymnastics, dance, outdoor and adventurous activities and swimming take place in a context of teaching and learning. In P.E. general
and specific skills are acquired, knowledge and understanding developed and positive
attitudes and personal and social attributes encouraged.
What are the end points, goals for the phase?
Children to lead active, healthy lifestyles and be confident in improving their own health through good lifestyle choices.
Children will have developed control, coordination and mastery of the body, through action, sensation and observation.
Children will have developed a range of aspects including:
a range of motor skills.
physical mobility and flexibility.
stamina and strength.
an understanding and appreciation of the purposes, forms and conventions of a selection of physical activities.
capacity to express ideas in dance forms.
appreciation of the concepts of fair play and good sportsmanship.
self-confidence through understanding the capabilities and
limitations of oneself and others.
understanding of the importance of exercise in maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle.
Brockwell Junior School PE Policy
Intent Implementation Impact
Progression maps ensure teachers support all children reaching their next goals. Examples are found here.
Dance Progression
Gymnastics Progression
Athletics Progression
Attacking and Defending Progression
Striking, Fielding, Net and Wall Progression
Outdoor and Adventurous Progression
Young Leaders
In addition to regular sessions timetabled for both REAL PE and Outdoor PE, there are many opportunities to become Young Leaders and take part in intra school and inter school festivals and competitions.
Something for Everyone
Our Specialist Leader in PE promotes active play, sport, competition and participation for all. She will help individuals find their talent or activity that they enjoy. Media Ambassadors do a fantastic job of exciting others and celebrating our involvement in sport and PE.
Quality Assurance and Awards
Quality assurance is important to us. We work with other providers and engage in an annual audit of our provision. Governors are keen to ensure best value with regard to the Sports Premium and maintained profile of this area.
Local, regional and national recognition has included a range of awards including:
Learning about water-safety and knowing how to keep yourself safe in and around water is a life-skill and, as such, is recognised and measured in the same ways as other key subjects at Brockwell Junior School. Brockwell is proud to have a swimming teacher with Olympic background delivering swimming lessons as routine.
Swimming lessons take place in year 4 then continue in year 6 at Highfield Hall Primary School. If your child is not meeting the national curriculum requirements in their year six year, he / she will be encouraged to participate in bespoke sessions tailored to the individual during the summer term. All children access open-water-safety workshops and water-safety learning each summer term, prior to the summer break. This is often delivered by swimming coaches and representatives of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.
94% of pupils within the current 2023/2024 year 6 cohort are meeting the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety:
swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
use a range of strokes effectively
perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
We use school funds for swimming and water safety.