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Our Senior Mental Health Lead is Mrs Cooper.

Miss Holmes and Mrs Crutchley will be happy to discuss any concerns – just get in touch.

Good mental health helps children:

  • -learn and explore the world
  • -feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions
  • -form and maintain good relationships with others
  • -cope with, and manage change and uncertainty
  • -develop and thrive.

Building strong mental health early in life can help children build their self-esteem, learn to settle themselves and engage positively with their education. This, in turn, can lead to improved academic attainment, enhanced future employment opportunities and positive life choices.

At Brockwell Juniors there is a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. We help children flourish, learn and succeed by providing opportunities for them, and the adults around them, to develop the strengths and coping skills that underpin resilience. We see positive mental health and wellbeing as fundamental to our values, mission and culture. 

Our motto ‘Safe, Smile, Succeed’ underpins our ethos. Children develop a strong sense of belonging in an inclusive environment where feeling safe is a priority.

Our values (rules) reinforce this and are understood and applied by all – Be Respectful, Be Honest, Be Kind, Be Responsible & Be Determined.

The curriculum for all includes regular topics that link to the 5 ways to Wellbeing and positive mental health. This includes reflections to regulate emotions, mindfulness and support for initiatives such as SMILERS. 

Nurture, learning support and therapeutic provision helps some children build protective and positive relationships and develop positive self esteem thereby enabling them to learn and play – to be resilient.

In partnership with parents, we refer pupils who need additional help to health professionals for appropriate specialist support and treatment. This may include School Health, CAHMS, Autism Outreach, Space4U, Gingerbread, Winston’s Wish, Counselling or Behaviour Support Services.

Parents can self refer to COMPASS to access mental health support.Click HERE

For support with neuro diverity and autism (AUTISM EAST MIDLANDS) CLICK HERE

To refer to ACTION FOR CHILDREN to access Build Sound Minds CLICK HERE

A newsround special ‘Anxiety: Inside My Head’ is a useful video to explore. CLICK HERE

A most active school, physical activity is routinely promoted to encourage positive wellbeing. The link between positive wellbeing, physical activity and achievement contributes to strategic planning. 

We  make sure that the mental health and wellbeing of senior leaders, governors, teachers, all school staff and of parents/carers is as important as that of the pupils, and that staff model a positive approach to mental health and wellbeing and challenge negative attitudes.

We ensure that children and adults are protected by policies, values and attitudes (including wellbeing, behaviour, bullying, safeguarding and SEND).

We are proud to be ‘ACE Aware’ (adverse childhood experience) and we seek professional development to learn about ACE, attachment, autistic spectrum disorders, ADHD and the wide range of needs including anxiety. 

Social,Mental and Emotional Health Policy

Below are links that you may find useful in supporting you

or a child secure positive wellbeing.


Parent Feedback

It is motivating to know when we’ve had a positive impact. Please let us know by filling out the form below.

If something’s not right, we’d like to know.

If you have an idea you’d like to share, please let us know.